Dror Bogin

Dror Bogin

Dror joined the GAMES lab in October 2017 as an undergraduate M.A Student in Geographic Information Technologies in Ben-Gurion University.
his Master is primarily focused on aggregation and comparison of Real-Time public transportation data to schedules,
in order to develop indices to measure public transportation service level.

Dror recently received funding for his research from MAPI (Survey of Israel), which is for the development of a more accessible platform for real-time data acquisition and analysis.

Nadav Levy


Dr. Nadav Levy, holds a PhD in GeoSimulation from The Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel Aviv University. Before joining the GAMES Lab, Nadav, did a post-doctoral fellow in the Science to Policy Fellowship Program (Mimshak) where he was acting as a scientific adviser in the ministry of transport. Nadav holds a Master degree (Cum Laude) in Geography with specialty in GIS from Tel Aviv University, Israel.

In Addition to Game Based models his academic interests are: urban and transportation modeling and simulation; multi-agent models; models for investigating parking dynamics and parking policies; Urban environments and dynamics; bicycle movements in the city, predicting bike mode choice and modeling;

Contact: ndvlevy@gmail.com

Ido Klein

Ido Klein

Ido completed his B.A. in PPE (philosophy, political science, and economics) and his M.A. in geography and urban planning in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Ido joined GAMES Lab in 2014 and is now writing his Ph.D. dissertation about cooperation in road networks. Ido investigates the possibility of the social optimum in road networks through coordinating the route choices of travelers. Ido creates an integration between behavioral – economical approach and serious gaming and is going to conduct multiplayer experiments in the lab.

Ido received the Krietman Negev scholarship and won the Dov Nir award for outstanding M.A.  work.

Omry Avny


Omry joined the GAMES lab in October 2015 as an undergraduate B.A Student in Geography and Environmental studies from Ben-Gurion University. As an undergraduate, his research primarily focused on parking models. Omry participant in ‘Merhavim’ excellence program  currently working on his master in the field of Data mining using advanced GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tools.

Omry won Silver prize for developing mobile app- free parking spot using mobile phone microphone and voice analysis.

Isabella (Bella) Dmitrieva

In 1984, I graduated from the Moscow State University, Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (Moscow, Russia), with M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics and took post-graduate course, which I completed in 1989 with PhD degree in physics and mathematics.

My scientific interests in the post-graduate and post-doctoral period involved mathematical modeling of fluctuations in animal population: «analytical» models using the Lotka-Volterra approach and «imitational» models providing a detailed description of animal population. Of particular interest was the interaction between those types of models.

After that, I focused on the influence of solar and geomagnetic activity on processes in the biosphere. During 1990-2002, I was working at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN), where I was heading a research team engaged in the study of helio-ecological interactions. In particular, analyzing the correlation between the solar cycle, temperature variations in the North hemisphere, particle precipitations, and fluctuations in the animal population.

Also we conducted long-term lab experiments with a group of volunteers to explore the influence of natural variations in the Earth electromagnetic field on electrical conductivity of the human acupunctural points.

In recent years I have been working in the field of design and development of software (data bases).